
St. Peters and Slack Sites Biochar Amendment Test Plots

Project Summary

Two testing sites were selected at St. Peters Church and Slack Funeral Home for biochar soil amendment testing. Each site had two test plots (4' x 4' x 2' deep), one with a biochar amendment mixed in at a rate of 4% biochar by mass, and the other a control plot. Each plot was monitored for saturated hydraulic conductivity and infiltration rates.

Lessons Learned

Where soils had been amended with biochar, saturated hydraulic conductivity increased by a factor of 2 to 10 compared to the control. At the St. Peters Church site, monitoring showed the control plot had a stormwater infiltration rate of 20%, whereas the biochar amended plot had an infiltration rate of 34%. At the Slack site, monitoring showed the control plot had an infiltration rate of 40%, whereas the biochar amended plot had an infiltration rate of >95%.

Project Status
Year Completed
Type of BMP
Test Plots