
Wood biochar amended to roadway soils along US896

Project Summary

Project evaluated the application of wood-based biochars to 12 different roadway soils for reducing roadway stormwater runoff at three different scales: laboratory column, laboratory pilot-scale, and in the field. 4% of biochar by volume was amended to compacted roadway soils and soils adjacent to parking lots in DE, MD, and PA. Testing was conducted in laboratory and field settings.

Report Link: https://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/IDEA/FinalReports/Highway/NCHRP211.pdf

Lessons Learned

Improvements in hydraulic conductivity were observed for soils with poor hydraulic properties, but if the soil already has a high infiltration capacity, the addition of biochar had neutral or negative impacts.

Project Status
Year Completed
Type of BMP
Retrofit Highway Greenways